Configure Android Wifi profile with Intune

By | February 19, 2019

I have come over many errors when creating Android and Android Enterprise/for work Wifi profile to authenticate with certificate.
there seems to be a bug in the normal wifi profile creator in Microsoft Intune. The only way I have succeeded to create Wifi profile for Android to validate with a certificate was with custom OMA-URI string.

To do before deploying Wifi profile:
1. Deploy RootCA to device
2. Deploy intermediate certificate ( if you have one)
3. Deploy user Certificate to device

To configure Custom Wifi profile do the following:

Go to Azure portal and navigate to Intune from “All Services” on top.

Create a profile with the following values:
Name: Type the name of your profile
Platform: Choose “Android” or “Android Enterprise” it will work for both
Profile Type: Custom


Configure OMA-URI Settings with the following value:
Name: Corporate WiFi
OMA-URI: ./Vendor/MSFT/WiFi/Profile/SSIDNAME/Settings
Data Type: String
Value: See XML below

1. SSIDNAME: Replace “SSIDNAME” with your broadcast SSID in the OMA-URI setting above and in XML text ( Line7 ).
2. SSIDHEXNAME: Replace “SSIDHEXNAME” with your broadcast SSID hex name in the XML text(Line6). ( use text to hex converter to find your SSID hex value)
3. TrustedRootCA: Replace the “aa” in the XML text(Line45), with you RootCA thumbprint that you have deployed to your devices.
4. IssuerHash: Replace the “bb” in the XML text(Line53), with you intermediate thumbprint that you have deployed to your devices.
NOTE!: if you don’t use Intermediate Certificate replace “bb” with your RootCA Thumbprint

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<WLANProfile xmlns="">
<name>Corporate WiFi</name>
<FIPSMode xmlns="">false</FIPSMode>
<OneX xmlns="">
<EapHostConfig xmlns="">
<Type xmlns="">13</Type>
<VendorId xmlns="">0</VendorId>
<VendorType xmlns="">0</VendorType>
<AuthorId xmlns="">0</AuthorId>
<Config xmlns="">
<Eap xmlns="">
<EapType xmlns="">
<TrustedRootCA>aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa </TrustedRootCA>
<PerformServerValidation xmlns="">false</PerformServerValidation>
<AcceptServerName xmlns="">false</AcceptServerName>
<TLSExtensions xmlns="">
<FilteringInfo xmlns="">
<CAHashList Enabled="true">
<IssuerHash>bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb </IssuerHash>
<EKUName>Encrypting File System</EKUName>
<EKUName>Secure Email</EKUName>
<ClientAuthEKUList Enabled="true">
<EKUName>Encrypting File System</EKUName>
<EKUName>Secure Email</EKUName>

10 thoughts on “Configure Android Wifi profile with Intune

  1. Alistair

    Does this only apply to work profiles? I have deployed an Android WiFi profile to our corporate owned, fully managed devices for certificate authentication and while the policy applies the connection does not get configured on the device.

    Many thanks

    1. Morten Pedholt Post author

      Yes this only apply to work profile

    1. Morten Pedholt Post author

      The XML i’m using dosent have username and password, it only has password requirement.
      i haven’t configured your scenario

    2. Morten Pedholt Post author

      The XML i’m using dosent have username and password, it only has password requirement.
      i haven’t configured your scenario

  2. Niklas

    Hi Morten,

    If we deploy a wifi profile like this, and the user somehow deletes the wifi off his device, will the profile be deployed again to the device?

    If not, can you think of a way to trigger the profile to be deployed again?


  3. Anonymous


    What if we have more than one Trusted RootCA, can I add a second line in Server Validation
    aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
    bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb

  4. Paparacco

    Hello All,

    do you have an idea how to configure the XML file for an EAP-TLS configuration ?

    Thank you very much


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